The Festival of The Ox – Brazilian Travel Spotlight

Brazil Festival - Argentina Reciprocity Fee

If you’re going to quest to Brazil and aren’t sure when to go, perhaps you should consider going during The Festival of the Ox. Known as “Bumba Meu Boi”, this is one localized event that you’re not going to want to miss out on. It’s quite different than your traditional Carnaval event, and it is centralized to several destinations, but it could very well become one of your favorite moments in life. The following can help guide you to the where, when, and how of this incredible event for tourists and locals alike.

When To Travel

Look at booking your trip into the first and second week of August. Some travel experts say that you should book in late June, but if you book towards the tail end of the festival, you’ll find some incredible moments. As it winds down, things only ramp up, and therefore you should stick to this time frame. If you have a great deal of time, then by all means, go there all of June and August, and explore more of this and beyond.

Where To Go

When looking at traveling to Brazil during “Bumba Meu Boi”, you will want to look at 2 cities in particular. You will want to travel to Sao Luis or Maranhao. If you want just one spot that is best, then look into Sao Luis, which will showcase a more European influence, as you go through streets and buildings of pastel and cobblestone, with a historical centralized flair. Of course you could set your sights on the surrounding areas if you’d like to save a little money, but the closer you get, the better the view of the celebrations.

What To Expect

This celebration is a mix of several cultural influences that range from African to Indian and even Portuguese. You’re going to end up seeing the death of the ox and the resurrection, a folk tale that comes alive with parades, street dancing, song, and a lot more. You’ll also see plays, and much of the story come through in various moments, a throwback to colonial era Brazil.
All in all, there are several celebrations that you can attend in this South American locale, but this is one of the lesser known options and definitely one to explore for anyone that wants to traverse off the beaten path a bit.

If you are planning on visiting Brazil’s neighbor Argentina, you are required to pay the Argentina Reciprocity Fee. This is not a visa, but an entry fee that must be paid online and in advance if you are a U.S., Canadian or Australian citizen.

For additional details on requirements for US Citizens, visit the State Department website or the Embassy of Argentina.

Discovering the Heart of Argentina – Through the Life of Eva Peron

Eva Peron. Evita. This name has been heard around the world, and for some reason, the entire world has had a love affair with this South American legend. The impact that she had on the lives of the people of Argentina is still felt today, and as such, there are many monuments and tributes to her throughout the country. For the tourist wishing to understand the heart of Argentina, a tour of the sites dedicated to Eva Peron could be a wonderful way to see the country.

Who was Eva Peron?

Born as Maria Eva Duarte, Eva Peron was the eventual wife of Juan Peron. Juan Peron would eventually become the president of Argentina, and Eva and her husband struggled mightily to bring reform to the country. She was beloved by the people, and worked hard to improve the health and workers rights of her country. However, when she was preparing to run for the vice-presidency herself, she was ultimately laid low by cancer at the very young age of 33.

Buenos Aires Tour

Much of the capital city of Argentina was shaped into its present form by Evita and her husband, and later by those they influenced. There are historical tours that will guide you through the city and point out locations where historically significant places took place. This is a great way to see the city and learn about the history of one of its most important figures.

Evita’s Tomb

This site is visited by thousands of tourists and locals every year to pay homage to the beloved first-lady of Argentina. This is located in Recoleta cemetery, and guided tours are available that will give you insight into the many other historical figures from Argentina who rest there.

Evita Museum

In the late 1940s, Evita spearheaded the building of a shelter for women and children who were poor and had no one else to go. That building has since been transformed into a museum honoring and celebrating the woman’s life. It is a very educational museum, that can help inform tourists about the real history of this woman about who they may know very little.

The Casa Rosada

Many people in the world outside of Argentina are so familiar with Eva Peron in part because of the famous musical, “Evita”. In that musical, the most well known song, “Don’t Cry For Me Argentina” is sung on the balcony of the Presidential palace. On the weekends, you can even go up and stand on the balcony yourself. In real life, Evita used to address the workers of the city from this vantage point.

Los Toldos

Los Toldos is a small town, and is the birthplace of Eva Duarte. There is a small museum dedicated to her in her hometown. Making the visit out to Los Toldos is a great way to get a more intimate, quieter, less tourist centered experience while learning about Evita. The town is located approximately 200 miles from the capital in Buenos Aires.

Aquatic Adventures In Argentina

If you’re considering booking a trip to Argentina this season, you might be wondering what type of activities this illustrious nation might have to offer. It’s true that the dancing and nightlife are a major touristic draw, bringing in thousands of visitors every years to major metropolitan areas such as world-famous Buenos Aires, but you might not realize how much Argentina can appeal to the adventurer in you. If you’re a fan of the beach and boating, here are some of the splendors you can expect to experience.

A tourist favorite no matter where you’re traveling is snorkeling, and Argentina has wonderful locations to partake in this family fun hobby. You don’t need a whole lot of swimming experience if you’re going out with an experienced guide, and snorkeling is a breeze even for newbies. If you’re going on a tour, most companies lend or rent the equipment you need, and it’s a zip from there. Some tours, especially in Puerto Madryn, even offer the chance to snorkel alongside marine mammals such as sea lions and seals.

If you’d rather take on a little something more robust and difficult, you can always take the chance to go scuba diving while vacationing in Argentina. Now, it’s extremely important to use the utmost caution when selecting a tour company to go with to make sure they’re reputable, because unless you’re an experienced diver yourself and have carted all your own equipment or rented it from the mainland, you’ll need their expertise to stay safe. Make sure you do thorough visual inspections of any equipment you or your loved ones will be using, and be very careful with those oxygen tanks!

Diving around Puerto Madryn offers a chance to get even closer to the flora and fauna of the sea. Again, a certain measure of caution is necessary when introducing yourself to a different environment, and you have to keep in mind that these creatures are just as surprised by you as you are by then. It’s okay to use your underwater camera to snap photographs of the rays and mammals and colorful fish, but, unless directed by your guide, it’s vital not to touch anything. You’re there to enjoy your vacation, of course, but underwater ecosystems are very fragile, and you don’t want to put yourself or others in danger. Whatever the circumstances of your dive, you’re certain to be amazed by the sights and sounds of the sea as you traverse the aquatic landscape like a fish yourself. Keep those flippers flipping!

Among the critters you can hope to witness, whether on a short snorkeling trip or an extended scuba dive, are anemones, silly sea snails, spiny urchins, and sometimes you might even see a whale. Argentina is renowned for its beautiful beaches, too, so you might just go for a leisurely swim after digging through the gorgeous sands for souvenir shells. When you’re done, you can kick back, relax, and have yourself a fruity, delectable cocktail.